Vibrosense Dynamics is active in medical technology. Today the business is focused on development of diagnostic support, particularly useful in the examination of neuropathy. The company's customers are found among a number of institutions, hospitals, researchers, and health centres. Customers are found on a global level, with the main business in Europe, Asia and USA. The company was established in 2005 and is based in Malmö.

Quotes for VibroSense Dynamics AB

Right Now

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  • Hans Wallin

Chairperson of the Board

  • Håkan Petersson


  • Antonio Speidel
  • Håkan Petersson
  • Mozhgan Dorkhan
  • Pontus Rehn


Largest Owners

Name Capital % Votes % Date
Antonio Speidel 22,14 34,43 2024-03-26
Carl-Anders Hilmarch 15,00 12,17 2024-03-26
Avanza Pension 6,39 5,19 2024-03-26
Nils Göran Lundborg 3,21 5,00 2024-03-26
Niels Anders Askgaard 2,60 2,11 2024-03-26
Bengt Gunnar Persson Dbo 2,59 2,10 2024-03-26
Niklas Thystrup 2,52 2,05 2024-03-26
Digby Thuresson 1,48 1,20 2024-03-26
Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring 1,40 1,14 2024-03-26
Lilyleaf AB 1,35 1,09 2024-03-26
** Holdings by Modular Finance AB. Compiled and processed data from various sources, including Euroclear, Morningstar and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

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*Compiled data from Millistream